Promises Of God Bible Study PDF
30 Days of God's Promises. A Devotional Bible Study on the topic of the promises of God & includes worksheets with questions, and a prayer journal using the A.C.T.S method of prayer.

6 Weeks (30 Days). 20 Minutes Per Day.
God's promises will fill you with strength, hope, and peace. The lessons you learn from scripture while using the workbook with guided questions will fill you with confidence to prayerfully apply them to your life.
The printable list of God's promises pdf also includes a prayer journal using the A.C.T.S method of prayer.

A sample of Day 4 from the Promises Of God Bible Study PDF and Prayer Journal. It is 150 pages long and contains the background context of each verse, with some devotional thoughts to stimulate your own study. Questions are provided to help you memorize the verse and apply them to your own personal life situation. Perfect for giving you clarity on how loved you are by God!
The prayer journal uses the A.C.T.S. method of prayer.
Use it to prayerfully apply each scripture verse to your life.
This method of prayer will lead you to pray unexpected prayers that will well up in your spirit.
Write your end-of-day reflection to consider what God taught you that day.
Plan a time to meet with Him the following day. Planning ahead means you are more likely to succeed in having daily devotional times with God.
An Easy Actionable Plan For Each Day

Steps to help you get the most out of the Promises Of God Bible study. We have added a review page at the end of every 5 days so that you can look back and consider all that God is teaching you. It is also a great page to use if you using the Bible study in a group setting.
Guided Prayer Prompts to guide you into a deeper relationship with God.
Read and answer
questions digitally on your digital device in a Free notes app or in the inexpensive GoodNotes app.
Or write Your thoughts and prayers in the printable workbook.

Print Out Pages and add to a binder.
Printable list of the Promises of God
What if God were to tell you that He sees your situation and that He desires to walk with you through it, to guide you, and that He has everything under control?
He has! Nearly every precious word in the Bible is full of God's promises for you.
In this study, you will discover:
➡️God's promises are Yes in Christ
➡️God promises to fill you with faith
➡️God's promises for when you are fearful
➡️God promises to fill you with confidence
➡️God's promises for your financial needs
➡️God promises to fill you with hope
➡️God promises to fill you with joy
➡️God promises to fill you with His peace
➡️God's promise of salvation
➡️God's promises for when you have trouble sleeping
➡️God's promises in times of suffering
➡️God's promises for when you worry
➡️God's promises for when you are lonely
➡️God's promises for when you are in a season of waiting
✅God's promise to you when you seek Him.

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Print out the pages or read them digitally through your notes app.
I use the GoodNotes app, Samsung Notes and sometimes the Books app on my iPhone!
Study at your own pace. Sometimes you may want to linger on a verse for a few days as you prayerfully study it.
If you use this study with your small group, use the 'Look Back' page and notes page to summarize your thoughts and answers to the guided questions and then discuss them with your group.