Digital Prayer Journal Bundle
Pray Effective Prayers Intentionally With Our Guided Printable Prayer Journal.
20 Minutes Per Day. And Grow In Your Prayer Life With Bonus Journals
And Studies:
God's Promises, Power Of A Praying Woman, Scripture Prayers For A Pastors Wife
30 Bible Verses For Direction From God In Decision-Making Journal
30 Bible Verses to pray about God knowing your Name Journal And More!
Do you passionately desire to grow close to God and enjoy sweet intimacy with Him but your day is super crazy busy and you don't know how to find the time to be intentional about your prayer life?
You are not alone!
Our guided prayer journal pdf has prayer journal prompts to guide your prayers using the A.C.T.S method of prayer, which will guide you immediately to the secret place with God.

When you reach the S for Supplication ( the time for you to present your requests to God) the journal has prayer journal sections for the days of the week that you can choose to intentionally pray for a person or topic eg. family, church, or school.
Day Journal Page
Evening Journal Page
Weekly Prayer Plan
Days Of The Week Sections
Printable Prayer List
Why You'll Love The Prayer Journal!
The Prayer Journal also contains:
Prayer Journal Ideas
Topical scriptures to use when praying through your daily A.C.T.S
Scriptures to pray for church, family, friends, yourself, and your community.
Choice of cover pages for each section (with photo placement or plain)
Bible Study Journal Pages ( S.O.A.P., Bible Reading Plan, Sermon Notes And Scripture Wring Page)
A Prayer Journal Format For Busy Modern Life:
If you can set aside 20 minutes for yourself each day, our guided Prayer Journal can fit into your busy schedule. Each Day contains a Day and Evening page. The Day page guides you through the A.C.T.S method of prayer with a section for urgent prayer requests. The Evening page helps you to relax before bedtime and to count the blessings of the day. It also prompts you to plan a time for the next day - to make an appointment with God for your devotional time with Him.

Bonus: This Prayer Journal Format is also available in a digital version formatted for 3 months of daily prayers with simple hyperlinks to Days of the week for your specific intercessions. Just download the digital prayer journal PDF to the FREE notes app on your digital device or to the easy-to-use GoodNotes app.
Guided Prayer Prompts
Write Your Prayers Digitally
Write Your Prayers In The Daily Sections

Print Out Pages You Need
An Easy Actionable Plan For The Day

You choose what to include in your own DIY Prayer Journal. Print out the pages you require. There are plenty of scriptures for you to use included in this printable to inspire your prayers.
When you purchase this prayer bundle, you will be given a login password. Please check back to this bundle because there will be more prayer resources added to it in the future.


God's Sure Firm Promises Devotional
Bible Study
Digital Prayer Journal Formatted for 3 Months of Daily Prayers
A.C.T.S Prayer Model Explained In Detail

30 Bible Verses For Direction From God In Decision Making
Perfect For Using In Your Prayer Journal
(Printable Scripture Cards Added Too!)

30 Bible Verses to pray about God knowing your name.
Perfect For Using In Your Prayer Journal
(Printable Scripture Cards Added Too!)

30 Power of a Praying Woman bible verses specifically on what the Bible says about prayer to encourage you to pray strong continuously! Includes prayer prompts for each specific scripture, making it the perfect tool for learning/teaching how to pray using the A.C.T.S. method of prayer.

31-day challenge of praying for your pastor's wife. You will find a list of scriptures and prayer points to pray over your pastor's wife, designed to cover various aspects of her life, ministry, and personal growth.
Here's How It Works - Lifetime Access
Secure Instant
100% DIY
Print The Resources You Need.
Regularly check the Prayer Journal Bundle You Purchase - More Printable Prayer Resources Will Be Added To This Lifetime Access Bundle
Join Us In Intentional Daily Prayer!
Yes! I'm In!

I want to begin organizing my prayer life. Please give me INSTANT access to the following right now:
Printable Prayer Journal ($27 Value)
Digital 3-Month Formatted Prayer Journal ($18 Value)
Bible Study Journal Pages ($10 Value)
A.C.T.S Prayer Model eBook ($5 Value)
God's Sure Firm Promises Devotional Bible Study ($14 Value)
30 Bible Verses For Direction From God In Decision Making & Printable Scripture Cards
($9.99 Value)
God Knows Your Name Scripture plan and journal ($7.99 Value)
Scripture Prayers For Pastor's Wife
Power Of A Praying Woman Prayer Journal - teaches you to pray using the A.C.T.S. method of prayer. Also includes the church group license ( $7- $30 Value)
Lifetime Access To Future Prayer Resources (Priceless!)
Currently On Sale $27 (Regularly $47)