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Devotional Bible Study: The Lord Heard My Cry | Psalm 116:1-2.

Writer: Karen O'ReillyKaren O'Reilly

Welcome to Day 15 for a short powerful devotion from our 30 Psalms For Anxiety, Fear, Worry, And Depression bible plan. This short devotional is from Psalm 116:1-2. Make sure to join me in prayer at the bottom of this post.

Read Psalm 116:1-2. Click on the verse to read it in various translations.

Psalm 116 is the perfect Psalm to read when you are overwhelmed with sadness or depression. We read throughout the psalms that David suffered from fear, anxiety, depression, and worry but we also discover throughout the Psalms that David overcame these horrible emotions. He sings frequently about God's mercy and of how He rescued him from the miry clay and on other occasions.

The Lord heard my cry

Psalm 116:1-2 is known as the I love the Lord psalm. Psalm 116 has become famous because of the truth and comfort found in these verses. They have been used in hymns, songs, and even sung by Whitney Houston in the film, 'The Preacher's Wife'.

What did David mean when he sang these words, "I love the Lord because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!"?

We aren't told about the circumstances that led David to sing this beautiful song of worship to God. David had been in a desperate place and he had cried out to God (Yahweh) and God heard his cry.

Hold on tight to these words in Psalm 116:2, "because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath."

God hears your cries for His help and mercy. God has a good plan for your life and you have to trust Him that He will keep you on His chosen path for you. He will straighten those crooked paths in front of you as you lean into Him and listen for His words and nudges of direction. You have to trust God to keep you on the narrow path that leads to life, and off the broad path that leads to destruction. (Matthew 7:13)

God loves you enough to bend down and listen to the words that you say to Him.

Did you know that Revelation 8:3-4 says that our prayers really matter to God?

These verses tell us that our prayers are like perfume or sweet-smelling incense that ascends to God. He hears every plea and petition. God saves them as well as our words of praise in a golden bowl!

The Lord heard my cry Psalm 116 1-2 devotional for women

God hears you. He wants you to tell Him your needs and fears. He wants to hear of all your hopes and dreams. Don't forget that if you are spending time in His presence, God will be filling your heart with His perfect dreams and plans for your life already. It is a partnership.

The perfect partnership is you and God prayerfully weaving through life's journey.

That is what David means in Psalm 116:1-2. He has understood that God wants to partner with him on his life's journey. He has found the truth that God wants to bend down and listen to him when he prays or cries out to God. And because he has experienced having God's 100% attention to his needs, he will never stop talking to Him as long as he has breath!

Free printable prayer journal

  1. What is God saying to you through Psalm 116:1-2?

  2. Have you cried out to God for His help and mercy?

  3. Have you ever taken time to think that God actually likes your voice and that He enjoys listening to you?

Use our free printable prayer journal or notebook to answer these questions and pour out your prayers to God. He is bending down listen to what you have to say to Him.

Free printable prayer journal and list of 30 psalms for anxiety, depression, fear and worry.
Bible affirmation: Remind yourself often of these biblical truths.

God bends down to listen to my cries for help.

God wants to partner with me in my life's journey and to make my crooked path straight.

God loves my prayers so much that they are mixed with sweet-smelling incense that rises up before Him.

Scripture prayer:
Join me in praying Psalm 116:1-2.

Thank you Father that You bend down and listen to my prayers. Thank you for partnering with me to make my crooked path straight. I love you, Yahweh. You are all-powerful and You have a good plan and a purpose for my life. Thank you that I am safe in Your presence. Amen.

Other encouraging bible verses:

Related Resources: You will find the 30 Psalms For Anxiety, Fear, Worry, And Depression bible plan HERE It will have the list of 30 Bible verses that we are using for 30 days for our bible challenge.

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Karen xx.

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