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Psalm 91:14-16 Meaning - Intimacy With God Almighty

Writer: Karen O'ReillyKaren O'Reilly

Welcome to Day 28 for a short powerful devotion from our 30 Psalms For Anxiety, Fear, Worry, And Depression bible plan. This short devotional is from Psalm 91:14-16.

Read Psalm 91:14-16

Read Psalm 91:14-16: (Click on the verse to read it in various translations.)

"“Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. With long life, I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” ESV

In these verses, we encounter the themes of intimacy with God, knowing His name, finding protection in the secret place of His presence, the assurance that He will answer and rescue us when we call on Him in times of trouble, and long life for those who trust in Him.

Psalm 91:14-15 meaning

The secret to knowing God's protection and seeing it manifest in our lives is to know God intimately.

Do you know God's name?

To know God intimately means to understand and experience the essence of who He is, His character, attributes, and nature. It involves developing a deep and personal relationship with Him. Knowing God's name is a lifelong journey that involves seeking Him, pursuing intimacy with Him, and allowing His Spirit to reveal His nature to our hearts.

Printable bible study Psalm 91:14-16 Intimacy With God Almighty

Intimacy with God Almighty

You are invited to experience intimacy with God Almighty—the Creator of the universe and our loving Heavenly Father.

Intimacy begins with love. God initiates by declaring, "Because he loves me." (Psalm 91:14)

Love is the foundation of our relationship with Him. As we open our hearts to God's love, we encounter the depths of His unconditional affection and experience a transformative connection that shapes our lives.

Acknowledging God's name is an integral part of intimacy. It goes beyond knowing His name intellectually; it involves recognizing and understanding His character, His attributes, and His faithfulness. In acknowledging His name, we declare our trust and dependence on the One who is sovereign, faithful, and unchanging.

The beauty of intimacy with God is that it is a two-way relationship. We have the privilege to call on Him in every situation, knowing that He eagerly listens. When we cry out to Him, He responds. In our moments of distress or uncertainty, He is there, offering comfort, guidance, and deliverance. His presence becomes our refuge and strength.

God's promise extends to times of trouble. He does not promise a life free from challenges, but He assures us that He will be with us in those difficult moments. In the midst of adversity, He will deliver us and honor us. He is our steadfast protector, guiding us through the storms and bringing us safely to the other side.

Another promise mentioned in Psalm 91:16 is that God satisfies us with long life. This does not solely refer to the number of years we live but encompasses a life filled with purpose, abundance, and fulfillment.

As we walk intimately with God, our lives are enriched by His presence, wisdom, and guidance. He fulfills our deepest longings and grants us a life that brings glory to Him.

Today, let us respond to God's invitation to intimacy. Through His Son, Jesus Christ, we have been given access to a personal relationship with the Almighty God. Open your heart to His love, acknowledge His name, and cultivate a deep connection with Him through prayer, studying His Word, and seeking His presence. In this intimacy, we find comfort, strength, and the fullness of life He intends for us.

Free printable prayer journal

Use our free printable prayer journal that was specifically designed for our 30 Psalms challenge on anxiety or a notebook to put into action all that you have learned from our study of Psalm 91:14-16. You can download it here. Use it to go deeper as you ponder all that God will reveal to you as you spend time in His presence.

Psalms for anxiety printable workbook

Bible affirmation: Remind yourself often of these biblical truths.

The following biblical affirmations based on Psalm 91:14-16 empower us to overcome worry and anxiety by anchoring our hearts in the truth of God's love, protection, and faithfulness. They

remind us of God's love, responsiveness to our prayers, and His desire for us to live a purposeful and satisfied life. They inspire us to trust in His provision, seek His presence, and walk in the assurance that He is with us, leading us through every season of life.

  1. Because I love God and have a personal relationship with Him, He promises to rescue and shield me. He is my refuge and fortress, providing safety and security in every circumstance.

  2. When I call upon God, He listens and responds. He is attentive to my needs, and concerns, and cries for help. He is faithful to answer and provide the guidance, strength, and deliverance I seek.

  3. God grants me a life of purpose and satisfaction He promises to satisfy me with a long life, not only in terms of duration but also in abundance, fulfillment, and purpose. As I trust in Him, He guides me on the path of His perfect will, leading me to a life that brings honor to His name and satisfaction to my soul.

Scripture Prayer: Psalm 91:14-16

Father, thank You for inviting me into a deep and intimate relationship with You. Help me to open my heart to Your love and to acknowledge Your name in all areas of my life. I seek You with all my heart, knowing that You are always with me. Fill me with Your presence, guide me through every trouble, and satisfy the deepest longings of my soul. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Overall, Psalm 91:14-15 speaks of the intimate relationship between God and those who love Him. It assures us of His constant presence, protection, and provision as we call upon Him in faith. It emphasizes the faithfulness and love of God towards His people, highlighting the blessings and benefits that come from a deep and personal connection with Him.

I encourage you to strive for a deeper intimacy with God, knowing His name, finding refuge in the secret place of His presence, and confidently calling upon Him in every situation. Embrace the transformative power of these promises in Psalm 91:14-16 and walk in the assurance that you are protected, heard, and rescued by our loving Heavenly Father.

Other encouraging Bible verses:

Related Resources

If you have enjoyed today's devotional study, you may want to check out our super saver devotional Bible study bundle.

printable bible study bundle

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Karen xx.

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