Have you ever wanted to start a prayer journal but didn't know where to start?
Maybe you passionately desire to grow close to God and become the woman of God that you know God is calling you to be but your day is super crazy busy and you don't know how to find the time to be intentional about your prayer life.
I have been there too and I have finally found 2 simple ways to have an intentional prayer time, interceeding for friends, family, and myself while confidently expecting God to answer my prayers. And it comes in a printable prayer journal pdf format!
What is a prayer journal?
A prayer journal is a wonderful way to keep a record of all your prayers. When you use a guided prayer journal with prompts that lead you through a time of praise, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication - it becomes a form of worship.
You can use a cheap notebook to write out your prayers or you can download and print some of the printable prayer templates that are widely available on the internet. There are also physical copies of dedicated beautiful prayer journals that you can purchase.
I just couldn't make the physical copies of prayer journals work for me. I would want to move pages around in the journal - which you can't or there wasn't enough room to write out all that I wanted to in a specific place. So I became inconsistent with my prayer time and a little bit frustrated with myself in the process.
Printable Prayer Journal Template
What suits my chaotic brain is a binder that I can add to or take away any pages that I need for recording my prayers. I also need a framework, an ordered way to record prayers not just for myself but for friends, work, church, the world, and other ideas. So I designed this beautiful peach floral printable prayer template.
My desire is to be an intercessor and to be more intentional about praising God, thanking Him for all that He has done, and being better at taking time to confess known and unknown sins. I know that as I use this printable prayer journal with the various prayer printables my prayer time will become more balanced and I will take time to listen for the Lord to speak to me.
Guided printable prayer journal
A guided prayer journal is exactly what I need to keep me focused and intentional about praying for everyone and all the things that God puts on my heart.
It is also fabulous to look back in time and see how God has answered those prayers!
Are you wondering about the 2 ways that I love to journal my prayers?
Keep reading for my answer and come see all the beautiful pages and binder sections that I have made to keep my prayer time balanced and ordered.
I have designed a printable prayer journal with various styles of prayer templates and a digital prayer journal. I will be using them both throughout the following weeks.
Pray intentional prayers with our printable prayer journal template for women. The prayer journal template is a guided prayer journal with a prayer list templates, and scriptures to use when praying.
You can be confident when praying scripture prayers because you are praying God's word back to Him!
I find that sometimes I'm at a loss when trying to formulate a prayer for a specific person or situation. Then I read a scripture verse and it seems to say perfectly what my heart was trying to pray but my brain couldn't come up with the words!
This pretty printable prayer journal is divided into sections for the different days of the week.
Simply download the prayer journal PDF and print out the pages that you wish to use. There are 128 pages to choose from!
Our printable prayer templates are perfect for you if:
you only have 15-20 minutes to sit in God's presence
you passionately desire to grow close to God
want scripture prayers
enjoy journal and prayer prompts to help you apply biblical concepts to your life.
You yearn for a more intimate relationship with God and to become the strong woman of God that He has called you to be.
you would love a keepsake record of how God has spoken to you through His word and worked in your life.
Here is how you can set up your own prayer journal/binder:
Choose to print out the pages that are suitable for your own prayer time.
There is also a digital version included in this prayer journal bundle that is specifically formatted as a simple prayer journal with hyperlinks to specific days of the week. So you can take your prayer journal everywhere and save paper and ink!
I bought this gorgeous berry-colored leather 2-ring binder to keep my printable prayer journal in.
I printed out the cover and laminated it (thank you church office for laminating it!)
I added these super sticky velcro pieces to the binder and prayer journal cover and it sits nicely.
Inside the printable Prayer Journal

There is a wonderful quote from George Herbert inside the prayer journal pdf. This is what it says:
"Prayer should be the key of the day and the lock of the night."
The other page I placed on the inside of the prayer binder is a dedicated page for you to write your name.
Daily Prayer Journal Template
The daily prayer journal template has lots of prompts to guide you through your prayer time.

Prayer Journal Template: Adoration Prayers
We use the A.C.T.S method of prayer in the journal. There is an instructional sheet included to remind you what the A.C.T.S acronym stands for.
You will find pages of:
scriptures to use when praying prayers of adoration
2 different prayer template styles of the page for recording your prayers of praise
a page to list your favorite Bible verses to pray during your prayer time of adoration to God.

Prayer Journal Template: Confession Prayers
You will find pages of:
scriptures to use when praying prayers of confession
2 different styles of the page for recording your prayers of confession
a page to list your favorite Bible verses to pray during your prayer time of confession to God.

Prayer Journal template:
Thanksgiving prayers
You will find pages of:
scriptures to use when praying prayers of thanksgiving
2 different styles of the page for recording your prayers of thanksgiving
a page to list your favorite Bible verses to pray during your prayer time of thanksgiving to God.
Prayer Journal Template: Supplication/petition
This is an exciting part of our printable prayer journal. I have divided it up into sections that correspond to each day of the week. There are 2 styles of printables that you can choose from. They consist of plain covers with a title or you can be adventurous like me and add photos to the sections that you will be intentionally praying for yourself, family, friends, work, missions, etc.
Printable Prayer Journal ideas
Here is a list of ideas for you to pray over during your time of supplication.
#1. Prayer journal idea: Use your prayer journal template to pray for -You
Greater and bolder faith
Spiritual strength
Greater compassion and patience for others
Opportunity to share the Gospel
You will find pages of scriptures to use during your prayer time. There are also pages to record your prayer and a page to write your personal favorite scriptures to pray over yourself. You will find this a time of encouragement and you will be reminded of how well-loved you are by God!
#2. Prayer journal idea: Friends
Friends who are believers
Friends who are not yet believers
There are pages of scriptures to prompt you during your prayer time. Choose the style of page that you wish to use to record all your prayers.
#3. Prayer journal idea: Family
Extended Family
You will find scriptures that are suitable for praying over your husband and children and for all family members.
#4. Prayer journal idea: Church
Pastor and Family
Church Leaders
Church Staff
Church Body
I have chosen some scriptures that are perfect to use when praying for your church. There are many more scriptures that you could use while praying for your church. As you find scriptures that are suitable for prayer, write them on the printable provided in our prayer bundle.
#5. Prayer journal idea: Country
Local Government
Local Leaders
#6. Prayer journal idea: World
Believers around the world
Persecuted Christians
World Missions
There is also a page for you to add your own prayer ideas. What or who would you add to this list of prayer journal ideas?
Printable Prayer List Template:

I have included various printable prayer list templates in our printable Prayer Journal.
1. Adoration Prayer List Template
There is a printable page in list format for your prayers of adoration to God. There is space to write a scripture verse and space to write a short summary of your chosen scripture (there are a few pages of scriptures included to start your list).
2. Confession Prayer list template
You will also find a list template to record your favorite scriptures and a summary of the verse to guide you through your daily confession prayer time with God (there are a few pages of scriptures included to start your list).
3. Thanksgiving Prayer List Template
Be thankful in every situation. Sometimes it is too hard to be thankful when chaos seems to abound around you but when you have a list of scriptures that lead you into a time of thanksgiving, your heart will be much lighter. Your focus will return to God Almighty, the Creator of the universe! (there are a few pages of scriptures included to start your list).
4. Supplication Prayer List Template
There is a page included for you to print out as many times as you like, titled Prayer Ideas. This page is in a list format with space to write the topic and space to write their needs. This is a handy prayer list for you to refer to during the week when you are in your prayer closet and desire to pray for others outside of your family circle.
Prayer and Praises Prayer List Template
This prayer list printable page is a must for you to not only record a list of prayer requests from friends and family but also to record the date that you know your prayer is answered for that person.
This regular action of recording the answered prayers will increase your faith and encourage your heart. You may even find yourself praying bolder prayers full of faith and expectation!
More Prayer Journal Templates
Prayer list template for work
It is so important to invite God into the work that you do each day at home and outside of your home. You will find a list of scriptures to start you off as you diligently pray for your work environment and the daily decisions that you make in it.
The prayer page list has space for you to write the scripture verse and space to write a summary of it.
Prayer list template for church

I have included scriptures for you to use in prayer for your Pastor, church leaders, and for members of the church. It is awesome to write your favorite scripture verse and a summary of it on this prayer template so that you are never at a loss for what to pray for them.
My husband is a Pastor and I know firsthand how much we need people constantly lifting us up in prayer.
The prayer template has space for you to add your own scriptures that you like to pray too.
Prayer list template for friends

There is a prayer list template for you to record the scriptures provided and the ones that God brings to your attention when you are praying for your friends.
Prayer list template for missions

Do you know anybody on a mission trip? This prayer template has space for you to record the scriptures that you pray for them.
Prayer list template for your community
This is our last prayer list template that you will find in our printable prayer journal. It has space for you to record the scriptures that you pray over your community. This would be perfect for use when you are on a prayer walk.
Ideas for organizing your prayer journal sections

What prayer journal sections will you include in your prayer journal?
There are many ideas to choose from once you have downloaded this printable pdf.
There are covers for each day of the week with a place to add a photo and ones without the photo frame. (If you look closely at the pic, you will see a photo of me holding our newest scripture tee - Jesus is king!)
The pages have been designed for you to use when writing out your specific prayers.
Daily printable prayer journal
We have been talking a lot about prayer journal sections and how to organize your prayer life. Everything I have shown you already is perfect for deep intercession on various topics but it is so important to enjoy your daily devotional prayer time with God, just you and Him.
To help you just enjoy practicing the presence of God and chatting with Him, I have 2 daily prayer journal pages that guide you through using the A.C.T.S method of prayer in the morning and one journal page for you to use in the evening. There is also a weekly prayer plan to plan out how you desire to pray for each day of the week.
These are all my tips for starting a prayer journal. All the pages are undated so that you can use them whenever you can. God loves to talk with you and it is good for your soul to place your burdens at the feet of Jesus regularly but if you miss a day or two - don't despair. You are a treasured child of God and we are promised in Hebrews 4:16 that we can approach God's throne of grace anytime with confidence to find help in our time of need.
If you want to be more intentional with your prayer life, you will love our prayer bundle.
I have put all our current prayer resources into a special bundle so that you can download and print them anytime. Once purchased, you can regularly check the bundle for future prayer resources that will be added to it (more scripture prayer cards and printables!)
If you don't have a printer, don't worry! You will enjoy the digital version of the prayer journal.
It is my intention to use the digital prayer journal every day on my iPad and use the printable prayer binder to record my days of the week prayers on specific people and topics.
Remember, that by devoting just 15-20 minutes per day, you can have a structured prayer life and intentionally pray over the people that God puts on your heart. You will be reinvigorated in your faith!
So are you in? Grab your own copy of the prayer bundle HERE.
for $27 (Regularly $47)
OR if you just want the printable prayer journal without the extras - check it out Here.
Included in the bundle:
✅Printable Prayer Binder
✅Digital Prayer Journal with simple hyperlinks to specific pages (formatted for 3 months of prayers)
✅30 Days of God's Promises (scriptures and devotional Bible study)
✅A.C.T.S Prayer Model notes.
✅God Knows Your Name scripture journal and cards
✅30 Ultimate Bible VersesFor Direction From God In Your Decision Making
All these scriptures are perfect for use during your prayer time.
Karen xx.