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Practicing The Presence Of God: 31 Presence Of God Verses.

Writer: Karen O'ReillyKaren O'Reilly

Updated: Feb 29, 2024

Have you ever heard the term, " Practicing the Presence of God?"

I heard that term used a few years ago at a Christian conference that was encouraging people to go deeper with God to learn to listen for His voice and to enjoy the sweet peace that comes from experiencing the His presence.

What does it mean to practice the presence of God?

At the conference, I was introduced to a man known as Brother Lawerance. I didn't meet him in person but it really seemed that I had. He has an amazing story that has impacted many lives. He was a soldier quite a few years ago. He actually died in 1691.

Though he lived on this earth centuries ago, he shared the same yearning in his heart as I do—to encounter a deeper presence of God. He unraveled the secret to experiencing God's profound presence by diligently seeking Him throughout the day, from the earliest light of morning to the darkest hours of the night, infusing each seemingly ordinary task with the glory of God's presence!

That is how Brother Lawerence practiced the presence of God.

Have you read Brother Lawerence's book?

It is called The Practice Of The Presence Of God. You can get it in a free audio format HERE.

It is a collection of notes, letters, and interviews given by Brother Lawerence to show how to develop a conversational relationship with God.

Index: Don't miss these important sections of this post, Practicing The Presence Of God

Brother Lawerence

“In the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon my knees in the Chapel.”~ Brother Lawrence.

In his book, Brother Lawrence shares his profound journey of discovering how to practice the constant presence of God in every situation and wherever he was. Originally a soldier who became wounded and lame, he witnessed the horrors of war, which led him to contemplate the magnificence of God's grace and the unwavering sovereignty of divine providence. This revelation occurred when he gazed at a dead tree, seeing in it a parallel to his seemingly lifeless state, yet knowing that God had life waiting for him, just like the turn of seasons brings fullness to the tree. This experience ignited an unceasing love for God in his soul.

Following God's plan, Brother Lawrence found himself in a French monastery, where he took on the simple roles of a dishwasher and cook. Despite the mundane nature of these tasks, he learned the practice of constantly inviting God into every aspect of his life. Through continuous conversations with God, he found joy and fulfillment in even the simplest of duties, transforming his everyday tasks into experiences filled with the presence of God.

Brother Lawrence's understanding of practicing God's presence deepened during his 40 years as a monk. He firmly believed that God could be welcomed into everything he did, and he found delight in enjoying God's presence at any time and in any place. His life exemplified the idea that even the most ordinary activities could become meaningful and fulfilling when infused with the consciousness of God's presence.

The book explores Brother Lawrence's spiritual journey, offering valuable insights into cultivating a constant awareness of God's presence in one's life, turning routine tasks into acts of worship, and finding joy in the most ordinary moments.

“Brother Lawrence retreated to a place in his heart where the love of God made every detail of his life of surpassing value. ‘I (Brother Lawrence) began to live as if there were no one save God and me in the world.’ Together, God and Brother Lawrence cooked meals, ran errands, scrubbed pots, and endured the scorn of the world.

These notes, letters, and interviews were not meant to be compiled into a book for us all to read. They were actual conversations that Brother Lawerence had with a friend about the depth of his love for God. He tells his friend of his tried and true practices that helped him create a deep, connection with God. His friends published his story after his death in 1691.


Presence Of God Bible Study

Would you like to join me for 31 days to prayerfully study what the bible says about practicing the presence of God?

You will find below a list of 31 scriptures on the topic of 'practicing the presence of God '. Beside each verse is a link that will bring you to another blog post with a devotional study of it.

💡Bookmark this page and each day visit a different verse. You may also enjoy using the Free Bible printable with the list of bible verses and the Bible journal page.

Here are some questions to consider about living continuously in God's presence:

  1. What does it mean to practice the presence of God?

  2. What does it mean to seek God?

  3. How do you seek God with all your heart?

  4. What are the benefits of living in God's presence?

  5. How do you rest in God's presence?

For your convenience, I have compiled a printable/digital with all 31 daily Bible studies, prayer journal, and bonus discussion questions for you to dive deep into God's presence. Check it out HERE.

Presence of God bible study printable

Stay in God's presence

There are so many exciting things to discover in God's presence in our lives while going about our daily routines. No matter how stressful, easy, or mundane the task that you are involved with right now - make sure you practice the presence of God. Stay in His presence throughout your day and ask God to show you the beauty to be found in everyday living that can so easily be missed.

Stay in God's presence as you go about your day, and be aware that each step you take is guided by the unseen hand of God. And at the end of the day as the sun descends, casting hues of gold and orange across the sky, and you sink into your cozy bed, reflect on the moments that God wove into the tapestry of your day. And recognize the hand of God in each delicate thread.

Verses about God's presence

To help you dive deep into what God is saying to you about practicing His presence, here is the topical Bible plan with 31 Bible verses:

  • 11 Presence Of God scriptures

  • 11 Bible verses about seeking God

  • 6 Bible verses about resting in God

  • 3 bible verses about how God transforms us in His presence.

It will be quite a journey to discover all the scripture treasures in this bible plan. Make sure you download the free printable that contains all 31 bible verses and print out the Bible journal and notes pages as often as you would like. You will find them in the Free Resource Library.

I actually download these pages to my iBooks app and use them digitally. Another good app to use is the GoodNotes app. Using them this way on my phone means that I can enjoy studying God's presence everywhere I go! I will be posting daily devotionals on each verse, so make sure to check in daily here on the blog.

Presence Of God Scriptures

Resting In God

God Transforms Us In His Presence

Bible Verses About Seeking God

11. Revelation 21:3 "And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God, Himself will be with them and be their God." Read the devotional, Day 31 God Dwells In Us.

How to feel God's presence (10 Tips!)

Feeling God's presence is a deeply personal experience as it can vary from person to person. Here are 10 tips on how to experience God's presence:

1. Create a clean heart: Ask God to create a clean heart in you. Sit quietly and ask God to bring to your mind anything that you may have done to cause sin to block your communication with Him. God never leaves you but unconfessed sin can cause you to be less sensitive to His presence. King David talks about this in Psalm 32:3-5.

2. Prayer: Engage in prayer constantly throughout your day. Prayer is just like talking with a friend except that you are talking with your heavenly Father! He knows all about you and all that concerns you but God longs for you to seek Him and tell Him all the things anyway! Psalm 4:3.

3. Read and study your Bible: Read your Bible frequently. I read a physical copy of my Bible but I also love to use a digital version. You always have your phone with you - so how great is it that you can read God's encouraging words where ever you are?

All our Bible studies are printable and digital (PDF)so that you can have easy access to them throughout your day. Most of our digital devices (phones, tablets, etc.) already have a notes app on them that allow you to read a PDF. I use an iPad and Apple pencil to write in our journals. It is very therapeutic and our journals have prompts in them that have been designed with the idea of helping you to sit still in God's presence.

4. Prayerfully journal: A wonderful way to come into God's presence is to journal your thoughts on a particular Bible verse and then use the verse as inspiration to journal your prayers. You will find lots of topical Bible plans and digital/printable prayer journals HERE.

5. Sing your praise to God: Sing out loud your praises to the King of kings! I love to sing and I especially find that singing to God has the ability to bring me straight into His presence when I am in a sad or depressed mood.

It is hard to want to sing when you just want to go hide in a corner or your heart is full of grief but just the obedient action of turning on some worship music and trying to sing along to it can actually break the depression hanging over you.

6. Walk and talk: Go outside for a walk and just enjoy the sounds and nature around you. I find the action of walking actually takes my mind off of whatever is bothering me and then I can more easily pray and sense God's presence.

7. Fasting: Fasting is a great way to focus on God. It involves abstaining from food or certain types of food for a specific period. By willingly disciplining the physical body, you redirect your focus away from worldly desires and toward spiritual matters. This act of self-control and sacrifice can cultivate a sense of spiritual readiness and openness to experiencing God's presence.

There are many examples in the Bible of people who drew near to God through fasting. Barnabas and Paul prayed for God’s direction and fasted (Acts 14:23), Hannah fasted when she prayed for a son (I Samuel 1:7), and Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days before starting his ministry (Matthew 4:2).

8. Go to church: Go to church regularly and meet with other people passionate about God. As you meet together and engage in corporate worship - you will come often into God's presence. I am amazed at how often I sense God's presence in the middle of singing a traditional hymn or a worship song.

It is so important to meet regularly for worship and Bible study to encourage others in Christ too. Don't forget that you carry God's presence and therefore the church is mightily blessed by you being present because you carry God's glory. Hebrews 10:24-25.

9. Serve others: Engaging in acts of service and kindness can create a sense of connection with God. Look for opportunities to help those in need, volunteer in your community, or engage in charitable activities. Matthew 5:16.

10. Surrender: Surrender all the things that you worry about to God. Trust Him with all that concerns you. God knows your needs and He has a good plan for your life. That doesn't mean that your path of life will be smooth but God is able to do more for you and move in your life when you surrender everything to Him. He wants your burdens - just give them to Him. Proverbs 3:5-6.

Presence Of God Verses

Here is a list of 31 Presence of God verses. Take one verse each day, read it, and the verses around it to understand the context of it. There is also a printable Presence of God study guide available that gives you the context of each Presence of God verse, who wrote it, to whom it was written, and guided questions to help you hear what God is saying to you through each verse.

My favorite Presence of God verse is from Day 14 - My Presence Will Go With You found in Exodus 33:14.

"And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Which Presence of God verse is your favorite?

The Presence Of God Scriptures

Here is the free printable with 31 scriptures on Practicing The Presence Of God. I designed it on this pretty, teal-green marble paper with a little bit of faux gold glitter. I just love pretty stationary! You could screenshot it to keep it handy or print it out and add it to your prayer journal. I also designed a guided prayer journal page and a lined page that you could use for note-taking.

Practicing The Presence Of God Free Guided prayer journal

Here is the free prayer journal pdf that you can download to your phone or tablet and print out to write on if you wish to.

I use mine in the iBooks app so that I can use my stylus to write on the PDF. A friend of mine loves to use hers in the Goodnotes App. There are other apps available too. If you have a favorite App for notetaking or reading PDFs, tell It is good to know other suitable resources and I can list them all for everyone that reads this post!

This prayer journal is designed to help you to dig deeper into each verse from our Bible reading plan. You will find this free download in the Resource Library HERE.


Let's talk about how to benefit from this list of scriptures on God's amazing grace:

This list of scriptures on the presence of God is perfect for scripture writing. I find that writing them out allows you time to learn them and think about them more deeply. Use this pretty journal stationary with prompts to help you during your devotional time. It should take about 10 minutes to write each verse but spend as much time as you have, sitting in God's presence and listening for His Holy Spirit speaking to your heart, instructing, and guiding you.

Copying scripture and carrying it with us throughout the day, reading it, and memorizing it, makes God's word a part of us. It renews your mind and calms your anxious heart.

Prayers for God's presence

You will find at the end of each day of the, Practicing The Presence Of God Bible study, a short prayer to guide you in seeking God's presence and protection.

Before I send you to all 31 devotionals on the topic of God's presence, let's pray together, right now! I have used the following scriptures in writing this prayer for seeking God's face, His presence, and protection:

Psalm 89:15-16

Psalm 16:11

Psalm 23:4

Zephenah 3:17

Exodus 33:14

Scripture prayer for God's presence

We come before You with hearts filled with gratitude and reverence, seeking more of Your presence and protection in our lives. You are the source of all that is good and holy, and we seek Your face.

You declare in Psalm 16:11 that in Your presence there is fullness of joy and at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Lord, we yearn to dwell in Your presence, to bask in the radiance of Your glory, and to be filled with the abundant joy that can only be found in You. Draw us closer to You, O Lord, that we may experience the depth of Your love and the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Just as a shepherd protects and guides his flock, we thank You for being our ever-present shield and defender. As we walk through the valleys of life, we take comfort in Your promise from Psalm 23:4, that even in the midst of darkness and fear, we need not be afraid, for You are with us. Your rod and Your staff bring us comfort and assurance, knowing that You are watching over us and guiding us along the right path. Grant us the courage to trust in Your unwavering protection and to find peace in the midst of life's storms.

We are overwhelmed by Your unconditional love, O God. It fills our hearts with gratitude to know that You rejoice over us with singing. Just as a loving parent rejoices over their child, You delight in us. May this truth anchor our souls and remind us of our worth and significance in Your eyes. Help us to live each day in the knowledge that we are deeply loved by You, and may Your love overflow from our hearts into the lives of those around us.

Lord, we find rest in Your presence. Like Moses, who longed to see Your face, we yearn to experience the depths of Your glory and to be transformed by the radiance of Your presence. Teach us to rest in You, to trust in Your provision and guidance. In times of weariness and uncertainty, remind us of Your words in Exodus 33:14, "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." May Your presence be our refuge and our sanctuary, a place where we can find rest and renewal for our souls.

As we seek more of Your presence and protection, may our lives be a testimony to Your love and faithfulness. Empower us by Your Holy Spirit to walk in obedience and to shine Your light in a world that desperately needs Your love.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Our epic 31-Day Practicing The Presence Of God Bible study is now available to download and print out or use digitally in a notes app. Perfect for personal or group study. It contains all the information in our 31 blog posts, plus extra text and group discussion questions. Download HERE.

Presence Of God Bible study - Printable

I would love it if you could share with me your thoughts as you work your way through this Scripture plan. You can connect with me via email or on our FACEBOOK page.

Join our Restoring Beauty For Ashes Facebook Group for daily Bible study. You will be tagged daily with the current daily Bible study and prayer resource. We are an awesome group, sharpening each other as iron sharpens iron and encouraging each other to grow in Christ!

And tell your friends about this study. You can share this post on Facebook using the button below or use the Pinterest graphic above in the post.

It's all about His grace

xx Karen.

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