Our bible lesson today is about the only way we can come to God is through Jesus. Jesus is the only way. He said in John 14:6, " I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".
Our lesson today is from John 14:1-14. You can read it in your Bible or on biblegateway.com in your favorite translation. This story wasn't featured in the My keepsake children's bible but I found a video with the story. You can scroll down the page to see it. There are some printables to download from the Kid's Zone too.
Here is a summary:
The setting of this story is at The Last Supper. Jesus has just told the disciples that He is going away and they are sad.
What does it mean that ' Jesus is going away?'
When Jesus was speaking to the disciples, they asked Him, how do they get to heaven or how do they find their way to God? They asked Jesus to show them the way and Jesus gave them this very simple answer:
He was the way!
God is an amazing, unfathomable being. I don't have the words to describe how BIG and LOVING He is. I'm not sure that we as adults can comprehend the enormity of this truth. God became human so that we could draw closer to Him. The way to life is through Jesus.
Lesson focus:
Keep these thoughts in mind while you are teaching your children this lesson:
We have sinned, disobeyed, and became separated from God. We don't always understand God, and in our own power, we cannot be saved or come to God. But Jesus lived and died and came back to life so that we could have a way to be with Him. Jesus is our guide, our road map to living with God forever. That was why we celebrated Easter. Jesus died on the cross, so that when we believe that He is the Son of God and trust that what He says is true, then we have the right path or road map straight to God!
We can believe and trust in what Jesus says because He loves us and He gave Himself for us. He is preparing a place for us to be with Him in heaven someday!
Fun activities to understand the story:
Watch the video of our story.
Download the activity sheets from the Kid's Zone.
At the end of the post, there is a suggested prayer that you could use to pray with your children.
Some questions to ask your children:
The disciples were sad that Jesus was going away. Ask your children, 'why do you think the disciples were sad that Jesus was going away?'
Jesus then tells the disciples about His Father's house.
Ask your children:
Who is Jesus, Father? (God)
Where is God? (Heaven)
How many rooms are in God's house? (Many)
One of the disciples, Thomas, asked Jesus, "How do I get to God's house?"
Ask your children, how did Jesus answer that question?
Answer: Jesus said, "I tell you I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.
Here are the activities available to download and print from the Kid's Zone:
Here are some activities for your children to do. There is a poster of John 14:6 to color in that also happens to be our memory verse for this lesson.
There is also an easy word search and a fill-in-the-blank memory verse puzzle.
Sometimes you might find life can be very confusing and you might not know which way to turn or what path to take. When that happens, remember that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. If you keep your eyes on Jesus and follow His teaching, you will find the right path to eternal life with God.
Here is a prayer that you can pray with your children:
Have them repeat each line:
Dear God,
Thank you for loving me so much that you sent Jesus to die for me. So that I can come to be with you. Help me to keep my eyes on Jesus because I know that He is the way. Amen.
Have you read the Bible lesson we did last week about Jesus is the Good Shepherd? You can read it here:
I hope this lesson is a blessing to your family.
Don't forget to share this post with your friends and families on Facebook and Pinterest.
See you next week!
xx Karen.