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How To Choose Your Word For The Year 2022.

Writer: Karen O'ReillyKaren O'Reilly

Updated: Jul 12, 2024

Have you chosen a word for your year yet for 2020? One word that will encourage you to live intentionally for this new decade, 2020? One word that you choose to hold onto throughout the year and prayerfully let God use it to transform you into the person He has created you to be?

How To Choose Your Word Of The Year 2020 with free printable and devotional
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Update 2022: This year instead of choosing one word to focus on with God, I have chosen to study a different name of God each month. For the past few months the name of God, El Roi has been shaping me in ways that I had never expected!

If you would like to see a list of 30 Names of God, you will find it HERE.

During my devotional time this week, I read Psalm 142:5

" I pray to you, O Lord. I say, 'you are my place of refuge. You are all I really want in life'."

Have you ever thought... when I get to college and finish that perfect course that leads to that perfect job, that you will be happy? Or when I find my spouse that I'm perfectly suited to and have X number of children..... then I will be happy?

Sometimes we do reach all those goals that we set and sometimes we don't. But eventually we reach a place and wonder...... is that all there is to this life?

The truth is that everyone has a God-shaped hole in their heart that only He can fill. God can meet your heart's deepest needs because He designed your heart for Himself!

Having read these verses it has made me more determined to be intentional this year to work into my life God's word for me. Last year my word was 'courage'. It is amazing to me now as I review 2019, how that word has impacted my life.

I was quite cross at first, I didn't think I needed to focus on such a word but then I embraced it and slowly faced my fears about writing blog posts and Facebook posts! I knew God was calling me to write short devotionals to encourage others in their 'God walk' but it terrified me! But guess what - my word was 'courage', so I started a Facebook Group called ' Restoring Beauty For Ashes' and I write short daily devotionals there. It is such a lovely group, where we' sharpen each other as iron sharpens iron', we read the devotionals that are based on our monthly scripture reading / writing plans and we pray for each other. Come join with us, if you haven't already. You can read more about our group HERE

What was your word for 2019? Did it change you? Did it impact your walk with Christ? Read on for some tips on choosing your word for 2020!

36 bible verses to consider for you word of the year.
Grab your list of bible verses from our Resource Library HERE

Some points to consider when choosing your one word or two......!

  1. Ask God to show you what word to focus on in your life this year. Then spend some time in your Bible and ask God to guide you to scripture verses relating to it. Then do a 'brain dump' and jot down words that come to mind, even the one's that you don't like!

  2. I have a list of 36 words [ see pic above ] that we are using as our scripture plan for the last week in December and the month of January. We will explore verses that apply to these words in our daily devotionals in our Facebook Group. See more information on Restoring Beauty For Ashes Facebook Group HERE.

  3. Don't rush in choosing your word. Take your time, keep praying, seeking and listening. My word for 2020 is 'chosen'. It seemed to pop up everywhere! I was drawn to that word in blog posts I read or in my devotional time, in my Bible AND then I was given a book with the word 'chosen' in the title! I'm not sure why this is my word for 2020 but although I'm a little scared about what God may be working on in my life, I also feel a sense of peace and a little excitement! When you settle on a word- you should feel peaceful too.

  4. If you are not sure what word to choose for your year, prayerfully consider the ones in the pic above. I asked the people in the Scriptural Grace community to share some words that they would like to explore in our daily devotionals and this is the final list. There is a downloadable version in the Resource Library that you can print out or save to your phone. There are also journal cards for you to record your word, thoughts and Bible verses that relate to your chosen word. The library is password protected but the password pops up as soon as you sign up for our weekly newsletter. It keeps you updated on new blog posts, discount codes on our products and exciting news of our devotionals! Come join our growing community! You will find the Resource Library HERE

Let me know when you have chosen your word for the year and what it is!

I wrote another post on choosing your word for the year, last year and it includes an eBook. You can read it HERE.

Don't forget to join us in our Facebook Group for our daily devotionals and if you want to be intentional in remembering your word, I have created some products that allow you to place your chosen word and your favorite bible verse in the templates provided. My printing partner, Zazzle looks after all the customer service and shipping. You will see a sample of what is available in the pic below and you will find our shop HERE

Monogram products that are found at
Some of the Monogram products that you can add your own words and bible verses.

It's all about the Lord's grace. I hope this post has blessed you. Share it with your friends via Facebook or Pinterest ! xx Karen.

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