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Devotional Bible Study: Trust The Lord With All Your Heart | Proverbs 3:5-6.

Writer: Karen O'ReillyKaren O'Reilly

Welcome to Day 19. for one of our short powerful devotions from the 30 Bible Verses About God's Amazing Grace, bible reading plan. This short devotional is based on Proverbs 3:5-6.

Read Proverbs 3:5-6.

Trust The Lord With All Your Heart

These are well-loved and much-quoted bible verses for instilling peace and encouragement in your heart when you are seeking God for direction.

The wisdom found in Proverbs 3:5-6 is perfect for every challenging situation that comes your way. These verses continue on from yesterday's devotional about listening to God telling you which path to take, from Isaiah 30:21.

King Solomon wrote most of Proverbs. Solomon was the wisest man that ever lived. It seems that the book of Proverbs came into being around 700 BC. There are 31 chapters in the whole book. We looked extensively at Proverbs 31- The Modern Proverbs 31 Woman previously. It was written by Lemuel (there is strong evidence that this is also King Solomon!) and is known as an acrostic poem.

I have found some great scripture treasure in 1 Kings 3:7-14. It gives a wonderful background to the wisdom of Solomon and I am going to share it with you. I think we would all be very blessed if we had a humble heart just like we see in Solomon in these verses!

1 Kings 3:5-14.

7 “Now, Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties. 8 Your servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great people, too numerous to count or number. 9 So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?”

10 The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this. 11 So God said to him, “Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, 12 I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. 13 Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for—both wealth and honor—so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings. 14 And if you walk in obedience to me and keep my decrees and commands as David your father did, I will give you a long life.”

Join me below for a short devotional on the meaning of Proverbs 3:5-6 and discuss some ways to trust the Lord with all your heart.

devotional Proverbs 3:5-6

Proverbs 3:5-6 Devotional

What does it mean to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding?

Are you up for a challenge?

Do you think that you can trust the Lord with ALL your heart?

Sometimes I cling to this verse and it does give me comfort. I yield and surrender all my hopes dreams and troubles to God and trust Him to work in them. Or do I?

Do I really trust God with ALL my cares and worries? Do I trust God with every part of my heart?

Or do I only surrender part of it to Him?

To walk in God's amazing grace, I need to surrender every part of my heart to Him and let Him work on the broken parts, and then seek His will and plan for my life.

Are you like me?

Have you invited God into every section of your heart?

Have you allowed Him access to the shameful parts or the broken parts that contain very sad memories?

Oh boy! I didn't expect to be writing about God doing heart surgery but that is exactly what God does with His grace. He wants us to yield every part of our hearts so that He can heal the broken parts.

Trust The Lord With All Your Heart

Trust in God with all your heart and then you will be more sensitive to God's leading. Do not lean on your own understanding. God sees the big picture. You can trust Him to place you on the right path that He has planned for you to be on. You are not supposed to figure out your path through this life on your own. God will guide you through all the twists and turns over the mountains and through the valleys of it.

Take up the challenge! Taste and see that the Lord is good. Give Him ALL of your heart, including the broken, shameful parts, and let the Master turn your heart and life into the most wonderful masterpiece!

Let me remind you of the encouraging words of Isaiah 40:31:

I have given you quite a few scripture verses to be thinking about today. God will give you the strength to seek His will in all that you do. God promises to show us which path to take, we just have to tune in to Him and trust that He will lead us onto the right path.

Grab a notebook and use the following questions to help you discern what God is saying to you today. There is also the prayer journal that you can download to your phone or tablet or print out that you could use instead.

Free printable prayer journal and 30 bible verses on God's amazing grace.

Today's devotional is based on Proverbs 3:5-6 which is from our 30 Bible Verses About God's Amazing Grace, bible reading plan. You will find a free printable PDF of 30 scriptures about God's grace in the Resource Library. Download this free printable or grab a notebook.

What is God saying to you through these verses?

What burdens do you need to surrender to God and trust Him with?

Write out your prayer request.

What are you grateful for today? Count your blessings!

Write out the scripture verse, it helps you to memorize the scripture and store up God's truth in your heart. Then in the last section of the prayer journal, there is space to record what God is speaking to you through our grace bible verse for today, Proverbs 3:5-6.

Scripture Prayer for Proverbs 3:5-6

We are called to pray without ceasing. That means we can talk with God at any time and in any place. You can chat with God throughout the day! Praying scripture is a powerful way to pray so join me in praying

Proverbs 3:5-6.

Thank you Father for Your grace and mercy. I surrender every part of my heart and let You reconstruct it. Help me to trust in Your leading. Help me to lean not on my own understanding but to trust You with all my heart. Remind me constantly to seek Your will in my work and play both at home and in the work environment. Amen.

Related Resources:

1. You will find 30 Bible Verses About God's Amazing Grace (Free Bible Plan And Prayer Journal)HERE It will have the list of 30 Bible verses that we are using for 30 days that our short powerful daily devotionals are based on.

printable devotional bible study bundle

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xx Karen.

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