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Devotional Bible Study: God Is The Lifter Of My Head | Psalm 3:3.

Writer: Karen O'ReillyKaren O'Reilly

Welcome to Day 10 for a short powerful devotion from our 30 Psalms For Anxiety, Fear, Worry, And Depression bible plan. This short devotional is from Psalm 3:3. This is the first verse we are studying from the Psalms for the depression portion of our bible plan. You will be encouraged that God is the lifter of your head and a shield of protection. Make sure to join me in prayer at the bottom of this post.

Read Psalm 3:3. Click on the verse to read it in various translations.

Psalm 3:3 meaning

Have you ever wondered what Psalm 3:3 means?

What does it mean that the Lord is a shield around me?

What exactly does it mean that God is the lifter of my head?

These are great questions to ask and the truth in them will encourage your heart when your heart is gripped with fear, shame, and despair like King Davids's was when he wrote Psalm 3 as a prayer to God.

David was surrounded by enemies that were determined to destroy him and they were mocking him because of his deep faith in God. He must have been in deep despair because the leader of this enemy army was his son, Absolom!

Can you imagine what it would feel like to be betrayed by your child?

Throughout David's life, he had seen God step in and miraculously save him from many foes when he called on Him. You could say that the muscle of faith was well developed in David!

David knew God kept his promises to him. So on this occasion, he was able to draw on his deep well of faith and call on God to intervene and expect him to act on his behalf even though his heart was in deep despair. The name for God that David called on in this instance is the name, Magen. It means, The Lord is my shield.

David knew that God was a shield around him and that God was all-powerful and able to repel his enemy. My favorite part of Psalm 3:3 is the very last few words, "the One who lifts my head". Even though David was mocked for his faith and his son was the leader of this rebellion, David knew that God would lift the shame off of him and lift up his head.

God is the lifter of my head psalm 3 3 devotional meaning and free printable
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Lifter of my head

God is the lifter of your head.

Be inspired by the faith that David had in God. David knew God's character and this filled him with hope when his circumstances seemed very dark and impossible. David was full of confidence that God would redeem his situation. He knew that God heard him when he cried out for His help. He was confident that God was a shield of protection around him, that He watched over him, and that God would deliver him. And this hope enabled him to lift his head up high.

How are you today?

Are you able to hold your head high or is it drooping low?

When we are full of joy it is easy to keep our heads lifted high but when we are overwhelmed with emotions of shame or despair our heads hang low.

But be encouraged another name for God is El Roi - the God who sees me. God sees you in the middle of the night when your heart is gripped in fear or in horrible waves of panic.

Why is it that at night everything seems much worse than it may actually be in reality?

Can you relate?

Be like David. Activate your faith muscle by spending time in God's presence. Just by praying Psalm 3, you will find your heart is encouraged. Sing out loud some of your favorite worship songs that speak of God's character. You will find as the truth of God's character and His name penetrate your heart that hope explodes inside you and your head will be lifted high.

God sees you right where you are. He sees your drooping head. God is not sitting passively by. Remember that God has a good plan and a purpose for your life (Jeremiah 29:11). He is at work implementing His good plans for you in the background. God also wants to partner with you in prayer in working out His plans and making your path straight. We read a few days ago in a previous devotional that God wants to make you bold in Him. So trust Him. Invite God into your situation and remember that God can do the impossible in your life.

Free printable prayer journal

Use our free printable prayer journal that was specifically designed for our 30 Psalms challenge on anxiety or a notebook to answer the following questions. You can download it here. Use it to go deeper as you prayerfully sit in God's presence and hand over those crushing burdens into His hands. Let God lift up your head.

What is God saying to you through Psalm 3:3?

Do you trust God to be the 'lifter of your head'?

Have you acknowledged that God is a shield of protection around you and invited Him into your situation?

free printable prayer journal and list of 30 psalms for anxiety, depression, worry and fear.

Bible affirmation: Remind yourself often of these biblical truths.

God is the lifter of my head.

God is a shield of protection around me.

God has a good plan and a purpose for my life.

Scripture prayer:

Join me in praying Psalm 3:3.

Thank you Father that you are a shield of protection around me and that you are the lifter of my head. Forgive me when I forget that You are right there beside me all the time. You know everything that goes on in my life. I thank you that You are El Roi, the God who sees me, and that You are Magen, the God who is my shield. You are the One who lifts me up. Amen.

Other encouraging bible verses:

Related Resources:

You will find the 30 Psalms For Anxiety, Fear, Worry, And Depression bible plan HERE It will have the list of 30 Bible verses that we are using for 30 days for our bible challenge.

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And if you need a gift from our shop for yourself or a friend, you will find the current discount codes on our Welcome Page.

Karen xx.

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