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Devotional Bible Study: God Dwells In Us | Revelation 21:3.

Writer: Karen O'ReillyKaren O'Reilly

Welcome to Day 31. for our last short powerful devotion from the 31 Bible Verses About Practicing The Presence Of God. This short devotional is based on Revelation 21:3.

Read Revelation 21:3.

This is the perfect verse to end our 31 days of devotional Bible study about practicing the presence of God. When we have surrendered our lives to God and trust that His Son, Jesus Christ is our savior through His spilled blood on the cross, then that opens the door of our hearts for God to come and dwell in us.

God dwells in us!

When we know Jesus as our Saviour, He comes into our hearts and dwells in us!

The Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation while he was detained on the Island of Patmos. At the time when John wrote, there were churches in all the main cities of the region called Asia. However, the government of Rome was cruel and persecuted the Christians.

Revelation Chapter 21 talks about a new heaven, new earth, and a new Jerusalem. It is about our future. John insists that Revelation Chapter 21 is not his words but are the very words of Jesus Christ. Jesus said that He would wipe away all our tears and there would no longer be mourning. In Revelation 21:6, Jesus proclaims that He is the Alpha and the Omega (we studied this name of God HERE). He is the Beginning and the End. Everyone who believes in Jesus is blessed but those who reject Him will burn in the lake of sulfur (Revelation 21:7-8)

Digital bible study presence of God

God's dwelling place

In the Old Jerusalem God dwelt in the Temple, in a place called the Holy of Holies, in the Ark of the Covenant. The High Priest could only enter it once a year on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). Before the High Priest could enter, he had to be prepared in a specific way or he would perish when he came face to face with God's glory.

He would wash, put on special clothing, and gather incense and the blood from a sacrificed animal. Then in the Holy of Holies, he would burn the incense and sprinkle the blood on the mercy seat of the ark. This ceremony was to receive forgiveness of the Israelite's sins.

In Revelation 21:3 John states that he heard a mighty voice from the throne saying, " the dwelling place of God is with man." In eternity, God will always be with us. This means that God's people will always enjoy close fellowship with God, just as Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden.

But the exciting news is that right now we have access to the dwelling place of God if we have a personal relationship with Jesus. Jesus Christ is our High Priest.

Join me below for a short devotional about how God is personal, and to dwell in the presence of God means we need a personal relationship with Jesus. Also join me one more time at the end of this post for prayer.

God dwells in us Revelation 21 3 bible study and free guided printable prayer journal

What does it mean to dwell with God?

We are so blessed! We are living in a time that if we choose to have a relationship with Jesus and desire to dwell in the presence of God - we can!

We have direct access to God, our Father. We don't need a High Priest to go to the Temple to sacrifice an animal to cover our sins because Jesus is our High Priest. Jesus has already paid the price for our sins, securing direct access to the dwelling place of God for all eternity.

All we have to do is choose Christ repent of our sins and actively practice the presence of God.

The dwelling place of God

In the Old Testament, the dwelling place of God was in the Temple, in the Holy of Holies. No one could come into the Holy of Holies and live because of the Glory of God that was there. Only the High Priest who had prepared his body under certain instruction and had the perfect spotless lamb to sacrifice could go into it. This temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. So there were no more sacrifices.

Since there is no Temple today, then where is the dwelling place of God?

Some people refer to a church building as 'God's house' and to be fair, it is usually a peaceful place to be in and you can often sense God's presence there. But that is because you and I go to church to worship as a congregation of believers. We are the dwelling place of God!

Dwell in Christ

The word 'tabernacled' means 'dwelt' which means to 'pitch His tent'. When Jesus came into the world as a human being, He was God’s way of dwelling with his people in a more personal, direct, and accessible way than before. Jesus our savior replaced the need for the Temple.

God dwells in us!

God dwells in our hearts!

The people in the Old Testament who believed in God did not experience this level of relationship with God. We truly are blessed that a right relationship with God means that God dwells in us. That also brings great responsibility to remember that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. It is God's dwelling place and we need to take care of it. Be careful of your words and actions.

How to apply the truths of Revelation 21:3 to your life

  1. Cultivating Intimacy with God: The promise of God dwelling among us in Revelation 21:3 invites us to deepen our relationship with Him. Take time each day to seek God in prayer and study His Word. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you into a more intimate communion with the Father.

  2. Living with Hope and Purpose: Knowing that a glorious future awaits us, we can face the challenges of today with hope and purpose. Let the assurance of God's presence and His plans for eternity inspire you to live each day with a Kingdom perspective, seeking to bring glory to God in all you do.

  3. Embracing God's Love: God's desire to dwell among His people in Revelation 21:3 is a testament to His immeasurable love. Allow this truth to penetrate your heart and transform how you view yourself and others. Embrace God's love and let it overflow into acts of kindness, forgiveness, and compassion towards others.

  4. Sharing the Good News: The promise of God dwelling among us is not just for our benefit but for all who will believe in Christ. Share this hope with others, proclaiming the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ. Let your life be a living testimony of God's love and the transforming power of the Gospel.

  5. Seeking His Presence Today: While we eagerly anticipate the future fulfillment of Revelation 21:3, we can experience God's presence today through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Stay connected to Him through prayer and the study of His Word. Let His presence shape your thoughts, decisions, and interactions with others.

  6. Praying for His Kingdom to Come: As we long for God's dwelling among us, we can pray fervently for His Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10). Pray for God's will to be done in your life and in the world, ushering in His reign of peace, justice, and righteousness.

The promise of God dwelling among us in Revelation 21:3 is not just a distant future hope but a reality that impacts our lives today. Draw near to God, living with hope, purpose, and a deep sense of His love. May the anticipation of His eternal presence motivate you to share the Gospel, seek His Kingdom, and walk closely with Him daily.

What is God saying to you through Revelation 21:3?

Download our free guided prayer journal or use a notebook to answer the above questions and the following ones.

Free guided prayer journal and list of 31 bible verses about practicing the pressence of God.

Today's devotional is based on Revelation 21:3 which is from our Practicing The Presence Of God: 31 Presence Of God Scriptures Plan. You will find a free printable PDF of 31 scriptures about God's presence in the Resource Library. It has a bible reading plan, guided prayer, and gratitude journal. Download this free printable or grab a notebook and answer the following questions.

What is God saying to you through this verse?

What burdens do you need to surrender to God and trust Him with?

Write out your prayer request.

What are you grateful for today? Count your blessings!

Write out the scripture verse, it helps you to memorize the scripture and store up God's truth in your heart.

Then in the last section of the prayer journal, there is space to record what God is speaking to you through our bible verses today, Revelation 21:3.

Scripture Prayer Dwell with God

We are called to pray without ceasing. That means we can talk with God at any time and in any place. This is a great way to practice the presence of God. Praying scripture is a powerful way to pray so join me in praying Revelation 21:3.

Father, thank you for loving me so much that you desire to make Your dwelling place in me. You have promised to never leave me or forsake me. Show me immediately if I ever grieve the Holy Spirit. Forgive me for the times that I have said or done something that made me unclean. Help me to remember that You dwell in me and that my body is the sanctuary of the Holy Spirit that lives in me. Amen.


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xx Karen.

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