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Writer's pictureKaren O'Reilly

Devotional Bible Study: Better Is One Day In Your Courts | Psalm 84:10.

Updated: Jun 8

Welcome to Day 9. for one of our short powerful devotions from the 31 Bible Verses About Practicing The Presence Of God. This short devotional is based on Psalm 84:10.

Read Psalm 84:10.

Psalm 84 was written by the “descendants of Korah,” also known as the Korahites. The Korahites were a family within the larger Levite family, who were in charge of taking care of the tabernacle and later the temple. The Korahites also had another job as 'doorkeepers' of the temple. This meant that they were responsible for “ministering in the temple of the Lord” (1 Chronicles 26:12).

God's courts are the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The Temple was structured with a series of courts: an outer court for Gentile converts, a court for women, a court for Israelite men, and a court for priests. At the heart of the Temple stood the Holy of Holies, where the Ark of the Covenant resided and where once a year, the High Priest performed the sacrifice for atonement. The psalmist beautifully proclaims that being in the courts of the Lord is superior to spending a thousand days anywhere else. The one thing that this psalmist desired the most is to dwell in the house of the Lord .

Doorkeeper In The House Of The Lord

What is a doorkeeper?

In Psalm 84:10, a doorkeeper refers to someone whose profession involves tending to the temple gates, diligently opening them day and night. This role was of great responsibility, as doorkeepers were entrusted with receiving the tithes and gifts brought by the Israelites. Additionally, they served as guardians, ensuring the security of the storerooms and treasuries, preventing theft or misappropriation. To be a doorkeeper demanded qualities of faithfulness, trustworthiness, and a deep devotion to God. Their service required them to stand watch for long hours, day and night. Although it may not have been a glamorous or prestigious job, the psalmist beautifully expresses that spending just one day in God's courts as a doorkeeper is far more rewarding and fulfilling than a thousand days spent anywhere else.

Why would the psalmist say that 'better is one day in your courts'?

Join me for a short devotional below and discover that we are doorkeepers to the temple of the living God, and join me in prayer at the end of the post too!

Short Devotional

Psalm 84 celebrates the temple of God in Jerusalem. The psalmist says nothing compares to being in God's temple, to being in God's court.

Would you like to share the same passion as the psalmist, to be in God's court constantly throughout the day?

We are incredibly privileged to have the opportunity to experience the presence of the Lord every hour of every day. Unlike in the past when people had to go to Jerusalem to be near God's presence, we now have access to God through Christ. With the Spirit of God dwelling in us, we can be in God's "courts" regardless of our physical location. All we need to do is open our minds and hearts to the Lord.

It is essential to learn and remember to practice the presence of God always.

The psalmist is singing this song of Psalm 84 because he is humbled that he has been given the privilege to be a doorkeeper, opening the doors for the Israelites to come in and worship God, to be able to stand in close proximity to Yahweh's presence. He would rather be a lowly doorkeeper in God's tabernacle, in God's presence than in the tents of the wicked people. They understood that to yearn for God's presence was to trust that God would meet their needs and that they were safe in the light of His presence.

Do you desire to sing Psalm 84 yourself?

Do you yearn to be in God's presence?

We are doorkeepers for the living God! We have access to God's presence all the time. We also have the privilege of carrying God's presence to the hurting world around us. The apostle Paul tells us that we are the temple of the living God (2 Corinthians 6:16)!

Remember that to be a doorkeeper in the temple of Jerusalem, you had to possess the qualities of faithfulness, trustworthiness, and devotion to God.

Do you have those qualities?

Ask God for a greater hunger for more of His presence in your life and for a desire to be His doorkeeper in the world around you. Ask Him to place in your path, people that need to know God and His life-changing presence.

Have you heard that wonderful worship song by Matt Redman, Better Is One Day? I have been singing that song over and over as I wrote this devotional! You can listen to it HERE

So, to help you unpack what God is saying to you about being His doorkeeper I have created a free printable with 31 scriptures on Practicing The Presence Of God, and a guided prayer journal.

Dive deeper into our 31-day journey of discovering what God reveals about living in His presence with our printable devotional journal!

I've crafted a 31-Day Bible Study printable, featuring 31 powerful scriptures on Practicing The Presence Of God. This printable includes a guided prayer journal, an insightful workbook, and thought-provoking discussion questions designed to deepen your connection with each verse and uncover God's personal message to you.

Don't miss out on this transformative experience! (There is a sample in our Resource Library, so you can try before you buy❤️)

Presence of god bible study

Today's devotional is based on Psalm 84:10 which is from our Practicing The Presence Of God: 31 Presence Of God Scriptures Plan.

What is God saying to you through this verse?

What burdens do you need to surrender to God and trust Him with?

Write out your prayer request.

What are you grateful for today? Count your blessings!

Write out the scripture verse, it helps you to memorize the scripture and store up God's truth in your heart. Then in the last section of the prayer journal, there is space to record what God is speaking to you through our bible verse today, Psalm 84:10.

Scripture Prayer

We are called to pray without ceasing. That means we can talk with God at any time and in any place. This is a great way to practice the presence of God. Praying scripture is a powerful way to pray so join me in praying Psalm 84:10.

Thank You, Father, for choosing me to be Your doorkeeper. I am grateful for the privilege of having access to Your Holy Presence every moment of my life. Please grant me Your grace and courage so that I may carry Your presence with me wherever I go and share it with the world around me.

Lead me to encounter people daily who are in need of knowing more about Your presence. I pray for Your guidance, wisdom, and discernment as I minister Your presence to them. May Your words flow through me, touching their hearts and drawing them closer to You. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

Related Resources:

1. You will find Practicing The Presence Of God: 31 Presence Of God Scriptures HERE. It will have the list of 31 Bible verses that we are using for 31 days that our short powerful daily devotionals are based on.

2. Do you long for resources to help you grow in faith and know God's hope, peace and strength for your busy life every day? The lifetime access Devotional Bible study bundle is perfect for you (includes current and all our future resources too!)

devotional bible study bundle printable

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And if you need a gift from our shop for yourself or a friend, you will find the current discount codes on our Welcome Page.

xx Karen.

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