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Boldness In The Bible: Be Bold In The Lord|Psalm 138:3.

Writer: Karen O'ReillyKaren O'Reilly

Welcome to Day 8 for a short powerful devotion from our 30 Psalms For Anxiety, Fear, Worry, And Depression bible plan. This short devotional is from Psalm 138:3. And make sure to join me in prayer at the bottom of this post.

My favorite scripture about boldness

Read Psalm 138:3. Click on the verse to read it in various translations.

Be bold in the Lord

Be bold in your faith. Be bold in the Lord. When the storms in life swirl around you remember how David sang Psalm 138 with such joy because he was a walking testimony of this psalm. Join me as we unpack the biblical truths packed into Psalm 138:3.

It is thought to be David that wrote Psalm 138. It is grouped together with other Psalms that were known as "Songs of Ascent". This psalm was sung by pilgrims as they went up to Jerusalem to worship in the Temple.

Psalm 138 is such an encouraging psalm. We have discovered already through all our devotionals that David was well qualified to write the words of Psalm 138. He knew very well that when he was in distress and called out to God, God heard him. God heard his prayer and he answered him by filling him with His boldness and David's soul was strengthened.

The words in this psalm are a promise for you and me too.

How is your week going?

What are you struggling with today?

Read Psalm 138:3 in the other translations (click on the verse above). Let it marinate in your heart and write it out in your journal and then pray it. Revisit it a few times today so that the truth in it settles deep in your heart. As your heart comprehends this biblical truth, you will find those horrible feelings of anxiety diminish.


What does the Bible say about boldness?

Here is a biblical definition of boldness:

Boldness is an attitude of strong confidence in God, such that godly things are said and done openly without fear of the consequences. (defined by

You can call on God anytime and anywhere. God cares for you. Did you know that God counts every hair on your head? You are so uniquely special to Him that He also watches your 'coming and going'.

Do you need God to strengthen your soul?

Trust Him to come and fill you with His Holy boldness. God fills us with the Holy Spirit who is bold and courageous. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity but of power, love, and self-discipline." You don't have to find your courage and strength on your own. You simply just have to invite God into your situation and submit to the Holy Spirit

Scriptures on boldness

What does the bible say about boldness? Here are some bible verses on boldness for times when you need an extra dose of encouragement.

  1. Psalm 27:1, "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"

  2. Hebrews 4:16, "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."

  3. Hebrews 10:19, "And so, dear brothers and sisters,[a] we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus."

  4. 1 Corinthians 16:13, "Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong."

  5. Ephesians 3:12, "Because of Christ and our faith in him,[a] we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence."

  6. Acts 4:31, "After this prayer, the meeting place shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the word of God with boldness."

  7. 1 John 5:14, "And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him."

  8. John 15:7, "But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!"

Let Psalm 138:3 encourage and strengthen your soul today. Remember that you are God's treasure.

Bible affirmation: Spirit of boldness

When I call on God He will answer me.

God will make me bold and strengthen my soul.

God fills me with His Holy Spirit and makes me bold and courageous in every situation.

Free printable prayer journal

Have you seen our free printable prayer journal that was specifically designed for our 30 Psalms challenge on anxiety? You can download it here. You can use it to go deeper as you ponder all the above scripture verses on boldness.

Free printable prayer journal and list of 30 psalms for anxiety printable

Pray for boldness:

Join me in praying Psalm 138:3.

Thank you, Father, that you count every hair on my head. You have great plans for my life and You have promised to make me bold and strong when I am afraid. Thank You that I can come boldly into Your throne of grace, directly into Your presence anytime and all the time because of Jesus' death on the cross. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit that will make me strong and courageous. Amen.

Related Resources:

You will find the 30 Psalms For Anxiety, Fear, Worry, And Depression bible plan HERE It will have the list of 30 Bible verses that we are using for 30 days for our bible challenge.

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Karen xx.

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