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30 Psalms For Anxiety To Calm Your Fear, Worry And Depression

Writer: Karen O'ReillyKaren O'Reilly

Do you ever suffer from anxiety?

I have had very distressing times in the past that led to panic attacks. Thankfully it has been a long time since I have had the distressing symptoms of anxiety. Those anxiety attacks seem to surface when everything seems out of my control.

I'm going to share with you the antidote that I have discovered to quench my bouts of anxiety attacks. The answer is by renewing your mind with scripture and trusting that God is who He says He is, and that He has a good plan and a future for me (and you).

30 Day Bible Challenge

Join me for the next 30 days in using this 30-day bible reading plan in the Psalms. I have curated 30 Psalms for anxiety, psalms for fear, psalms for worry, and psalms for depression.

Anxiety can be a complex issue that usually finds its roots in fear, and events in our lives that cause us to worry, and our response to these life events if left unchecked can lead to depression.

Are you in the middle of:

  • a health crisis

  • change in job

  • sick child

  • loss of a job

  • financial worry

  • marriage crisis

Then this 30 day Bible reading plan is perfect for you.

There are 2 ways for you to participate in this Bible reading/study challenge

  1. Follow the links on this page to separate 30 days of blog posts, and read the verses and devotional.

  2. Dive a bit deeper using our printable Bible study and workbook. It contains text and group study questions.

printable bible study psalms for anxiety and workbook

You may have already participated in another bible challenge that we had on the 30 names of God. The name of God that speaks so loudly to me as I prepared this Psalms Bible reading plan, is El Roi which means the God who sees me. Hagar was the first person to use this name for God. The God that Hagar met in the desert is a deeply personal and intimate God. God saw how Sarai had treated Hagar which led her to flee to the desert. God met her right there in her time of distress and that is what God wants to do for you too.

Why read the Psalms?

God wants to meet you in your time of distress. You are not alone with these feelings of anxiety, worry, fear, and depression. You will find that the psalmists wrote many psalms due to the distress that they were in.

But the psalms that I will share with you are calming Psalms. They are psalms that were written by men that wrestled with stress, worry, and fear. They too suffered from great discouragement. These psalmists found the secret to overcoming all these overwhelming emotions that cause anxiety.

Can you guess what their secret weapon was?

These psalmists knew the secret weapon to overcome, anxiety, fear, worry, and depression was to give God a sacrifice of praise.

What happens when you worship God?

You will find, just like these psalmists did that when you worship God and sing songs of praise to Him that your perspective changes. As you worship God you will remember that He is a Big God and that He knows your situation. You will be encouraged as you remember events or circumstances from your life in the past and how God stepped right into the middle of them with you. And you will be changed just by practicing the presence of God.

Your circumstances may not change immediately but you will have renewed hope and joy and your heart will be strengthened.

As you read, write and pray these psalms daily your heart will be transformed.

You will exchange fear for courage, doubt for faith, and anxiety for peace. This does not mean that your anxiety immediately disappears but your heart will be strengthened as you write scripture and memorize these select bible verses of Psalms for anxiety.

When you give your anxious heart to God, He will take your fears, everything that causes you to worry, all that anxiety, and He will give you His supernatural peace.


Psalms Reading Plan And Free Daily Devotional

This bible challenge is more than just a scripture writing plan on Psalms for anxiety. I am inviting you daily to the blog for the next six weeks for a daily devotional bible study online. It is a free daily devotional with a little bit of bible study so that you can understand the context of each verse that we study. We will be studying these Psalms five days each week and then on the weekend, you can catch up if you missed a day.

I have designed a pretty printable bible reading plan. You can download this PDF to your desktop computer to print out or download it to your phone or tablet with one of the free PDF reading apps. I have been using the iBooks app and the GoodNotes on both my phone and tablet. I love that I can journal my thoughts and write my prayers wherever I am. This printable bible reading plan also contains a prayer journal. There are a few pages with prompts to help you dig deeper as you study and write these scriptures from the Psalms. You will find these journal pages invaluable as you read the daily devotionals that accompany this Psalms reading plan. It also contains a sample of our Psalms For Anxiety printable/digital Bible study.

30 Psalms for anxiety, depression, worry, fear. free printable bible plan

So let's dive in and see our chosen bible verses from the Psalms bible plan. I have chosen 9 Psalms that speak specifically for anxiety, 7 Psalms for depression, 8 Psalms for fear, and 6 Psalms for worry.

Psalms for anxiety

Did you know that we have just launched our new printable Psalms For Anxiety Bible Study?

printable psalms for anxiety bible study with questions

Psalms for depression

Psalms for fear

Psalms for worry

Psalms For Anxiety Prayer journal template

free printable prayer journal template
Download me from the Resource Library. Click on the pic.

Here is your printable prayer journal with a printable list of the 30 scriptures.

This prayer journal is designed to help you to dig deeper into each verse from our Bible reading plan. You will find this free download in the Resource Library HERE.

Download it to your phone or tablet in the Goodnotes app or the iBooks app or any other pdf reader and record your thoughts and prayers as you work through the list of scriptures.

Prayer journal printable on Psalms for anxiety, depression, fear and worry.
Find me in the resource library

Let's talk about how to benefit from this list of scriptures from the Psalms.

This list of scriptures on Psalms for anxiety is perfect for scripture writing. I find that writing them out, allows you time to learn them and think about them more deeply. Use this pretty journal stationary with prompts to help you during your devotional time. It should take about 10 minutes to write each verse but spend as much time as you have, sitting in God's presence and listening for His Holy Spirit speaking to your heart, instructing, and guiding you.

Copying scripture and carrying it with us throughout the day, reading it, and memorizing it, makes God's word a part of us. It renews your mind and calms your anxious heart.


2. Download all 30 Days of Psalms For Anxiety Bible studies. They are perfect for studying in a group setting. Learn from David and other Psalmists how they coped with extreme anxiety, yet knew the supernatural peace that can only come from God. Group discussion questions are included.

30 Days Psalms For Anxiety printable bible study

3. Do you like to color? We have a new Bible verse coloring book available to download immediately and print. As you color the Bible verse, it helps you to memorize it. As you engage in the activity, you may find yourself repeating the verse in your mind or even out loud. This repetition can reinforce the memorization process and help you commit the verse to memory. Additionally, the act of coloring itself can enhance the encoding of information in your brain, making it easier to recall the verse later.

printable bible study bundle

I would love it if you could share with me your thoughts as you work your way through this Scripture plan. You can connect with me via email or on our FACEBOOK page.

And tell your friends about this study. You can share this post to Facebook using the button below or use the Pinterest graphic above in the post.

God bless,


P. S This free printable is also available in our digital Book Shop HERE . Click on the pic.

Free printable list of 30 psalms for anxiety and free prayer journal
You can also download this printable from our digital Book Shop

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